Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ADD/ADHD in Adults

About half of the children treated for ADHD/ADD in childhood will no longer be restless and impulsive. Most will continue to struggle with attention challenges.

Others who have been shepherded through their childhood by parents and teachers will not receive a diagnosis until they fail to keep up with assignments in college, manage the detailed work of a career, or handle the responsibilities of parenthood.

The central problem continues to be a lack of focus. While adults with ADD/ADHD may be able to concentrate on stimulating activities like video games or sports, they are unable to complete routine tasks.

Do you have ADD/ADHD? Take the free screener here to see if you have the symptoms.

What can be done?

See your doctor and ask if medication is appropriate. This is a good beginning, but will not address the lack of organizational skills many adults with ADD/ADHD experience. These individuals may need to have therapy to develop new habits, learn to effectively use lists, identify distractions, plan, and prioritize their work. Most doctors believe that a combination of medication and behavioral therapy are the only effective approach to help adults with ADD/ADHD lead productive lives.

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